artist presentation: Alejandra Baltazares

We´re very proud to present on friday the mexican artist Alejandra Baltazares from Mexiko in our kunstundhelden Galerie + Shop.

„Starting from contemporary concepts of feminine beauty in Western culture, I reflect on the
processes to which we voluntarily submit ourselves, the passing of time and its brevity. The search for and the creation of the esthetic subject is the basis of the work I have done to date via
observation, reflection and introspection. Through a combination of several different media such
as registry photography, performance, video, graphics and on-site interventions, not seeking so
much a feminist critique as a reflection from a female perspective.“ Alejandra Baltazares

kunstundhelden, Galerie + Shop, Berlin_Theke
Oranienburger Str.51, 10119 Berlin

exhibition from 5-10th of july

opening 5th of july 5pm
artist talk 8pm

supported by
CoCAO (Center of Contemporary Art Ortenau)

We´re very proud to present on friday the mexican artist Alejandra Baltazares from Mexiko in our kunstundhelden Galerie + Shop

Starting from contemporary concepts of feminine beauty in Western culture, I reflect on the
processes to which we voluntarily submit ourselves, the passing of time and its brevity. The
search for and the creation of the esthetic subject is the basis of the work I have done to date via
observation, reflection and introspection. Through a combination of several different media such
as registry photography, performance, video, graphics and on-site interventions, not seeking so
much a feminist critique as a reflection from a female perspective.

kunstundhelden, Galerie + Shop, Berlin_Theke
Oranienburger Str.51, 10119 Berlin

exhibition from 5-10th of july

opening 5th of july 5pm
artist talk 8pm

supported by
CoCAO (Center of Contemporary Art Ortenau)

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